The Last Waltz

Between the years of 1985 and 1989, the band experimented with writing, recording, and performing original material, lost and gained a few members, recycled Bob Cunningham, who had become a truly gifted performer and musician during his hiatus, and limped to an end in the summer of 1989.  During that year, Edward, the last remaining original member, decided that going to law school would beat winding up drunk in a tour bus playing checkers on a comically oversized board, as he had seen The Tams do.  (The reason for the board size, which was roughly five feet by five feet, and large pieces, which were the size of pizzas, was that the band members were often too drunk to see and manipulate regular-sized pieces.)

Cruis-O-Matic Business Card

Beginning the summer of 1991, an incarnation of the band, with Edward, Bob, Mike Lorenz, and Jerome Radway, played some fun but inconsequential shows up until February 1992, one month before Edward’s first son, Elliott, was born.  Mary Ann “Ms. Vegas” Tanner, Mr. Vegas’ lovely second and current wife, who was an early and longtime fan, and who to this day styles herself as a groupie success story, had the honor of birthing the child, as well as a second son, Wyatt, born August 1995.

The happy couple The Joker shoes
The Kiss -- early 1990s Still a happy couple -- October, 1998 The Kiss -- October 1998

To follow:  more on the band’s early years, their mid-80s evolution from "covers only" band to recording superstars, and other funny stories.

who performed as members of
over the band’s history

On guitar --

                Edward Tanner, Henry Hibbert, Marvin Jackson, Michael Colford, Tom Rake,
                Bob Cunningham, and Olin Rainwater

On drums --

                Robert Schmidt, Steve Pace, Joey Dukes, Tony Garstin, Charles Wolfe,
                Mark Bishop, Darryl Rhoades, Howie Ferguson, and Jerome Radway

On bass --

                Jason Schnerr, Rex Patton, Jason Keene, Winn Sizemore, Michael Lorenz, and
                Howie Ferguson

On keyboards --

                Blair Tanner and Bob Cunningham

Lead vocalists --

                Jonny Hibbert and Guy Goodman

Cruis-O-Matic promo poster -- designed by Tom Patterson
Click here Bongo Beat to download and play "Bongo Beat," by Cruis-O-Matic, featuring Edward Tanner on lead vocal and rhythm guitar, Blair Tanner on lead guitar and background vocals, Michael Lorenz on bass guitar, and Howie Ferguson on bongos, drums, and background vocals.  Words and music by Edward Tanner.   "Beatnik poetry" introduction from Petticoat Junction and The Beverly Hillbillies.
Click here Invasion of the Body Surfers to download and play "Invasion of the Body Surfers," by Cruis-O-Matic, featuring Michael Lorenz on lead guitar, Edward Tanner on rhythm guitar, Blair Tanner on bass guitar, and Howie Ferguson on drums.   Written by Michael Lorenz.

Cruis-O-Matic promo poster, designed by Tom Patterson.  Buckminster Fuller's famous Dymaxion car is the central image.  The r.f.m. (records of frightening magnitude) logo centers on a close-up photo of the late J. Hunter Patterson making a weird face, as captured on film by Malcolm Fordham in Tupelo, Mississippi in the summer of 1972.

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